CALL NOW: (610) 890-3656





Magnus Karate Policies


Entering & Exiting the Dojo

  • Our dojo opens 10 minutes prior to the first class of the night. Students who are attending the first class of the night may wait in their car or in front of the dojo on the sidewalk if they arrive more than 10 minutes before their class start time. 
    • The time before class is used by Sensei to prep the floor, post the lesson plans, speak with the teaching team, and do any other tasks to ensure all of the students have a great night at the dojo – Sensei and his teaching team members will not be supervising students inside of the dojo more than 10 minutes before classes. 
  • All students and parents entering the dojo must use the double doors.
  • All students exiting the dojo MUST use the single door exit which is overseen by a Teaching Team member. We ask that you DO NOT remove your child from the lobby and exit via double doors as it is a safety issue. 
    • While it is easier to skip the exit line and take your child, we want to ensure that your child is being returned to YOU and we can do that by monitoring the exit door, allowing students to leave one by one. 
  • If you are not present at class dismissal students WILL NOT stand outside of the dojo waiting for you after class; they will be instructed to return to the lobby. 
Parental/Guest Lobby Viewing Expectations 
Creating a distraction free environment at the dojo is one of our main priorities. To help us to do so:
  • Parents are asked to refrain from excessive and loud conversations while seated in the lobby during active class time. 
  • Please consider stepping out of the dojo to have long and potentially loud conversations
    • Our dojo is open to the lobby so the noise carries onto the floor and it is a distraction to our students and Teaching Team. 
  • Avoid multiple entrances and exits during active class time
    • Our teaching team is trained to be aware of the doors opening and closing – for safety purposes – so multiple exits and entries causes interruption to instruction.
  • Please refrain from attempting to get your child’s attention during class time (i.e. waving at them, tapping on the window to get their attention, pacing back and forth at the viewing window)
  • Parents and guests are not permitted to enter the dojo floor during active class time
    • The only exception to this rule is for use of the bathroom.
  • If mats are rolled out onto our floors please avoid stepping on them with your shoes on. This is a sanitary issue.
  • Parents are prohibited from stopping class instruction to make an announcement to their children while they are on the dojo floor (example – you want to let them know you will return at the end of class, or want to give them water or remind them about something in your schedule). Please ask a teaching team member to get your child’s attention and ask them to step out into the lobby where you can address them. 

Communicating with Sensei

Please update your contacts for us if you haven’t already – all emails related to all things Magnus Karate should be sent to [email protected] and all text messages/calls should go to 610-890-3656. No other email addresses or phone numbers will be monitored for dojo related needs and inquiries.

  • Emails sent after 3PM on a weekday with a Sensei specific issue will not be received the same day as Sensei is in the dojo on the floor.
  • Text messages sent after 3PM may or may not be received/answered until the next day as Sensei is in the dojo on the floor.
  • Texts/calls after 9PM and before 8AM are not appropriate – any karate related needs during these hours can be sent via email to [email protected] and will be answered during office hours Monday thru Friday.
  • Weekend emails, texts, and phone calls will not be answered until Monday during office hours.
 Communicating with Teaching Team Members 
  • All questions regarding operations and student progress should be directed only to Sensei Pannulla.
  • Please do not pull Teaching Team members aside to ask them questions regarding your child’s progress, or to ask a billing, event attendance, or schedule question. 
  • Teaching Team members outside of Sensei Pannulla are responsible for dojo coaching and student instruction only.
  • Any attempts to confront, control, manipulate, or intimidate Teaching Team members (in any way) will result in your family’s immediate termination of academy membership.
  • Teaching Team members have an extensive apprenticeship at the dojo and are trained exclusively to coach, teach, and serve students only – they have no administrative or managerial duties outside of their duties at the dojo. 

Academy Communications 

  • Magnus Karate will continue to use our active member email blast list for direct group communication and reminders
  • We highly recommend that you do not unsubscribe as this is our primary means of delivering information to students. 
  • We will not send hard copy reminders home for dojo closure reminders. They will be noted in our weekly email or on our portal.
  • Visit our member portal at to see all up to date information at the academy and register for upcoming events. 
Attendance Tracking
  • Our teaching team records attendance at each class
    • This will help us to track student eligibility for testing (age 7+ program only)
    • Student attendance tracking will be shared with age 7+ parents approximately one month prior to each quarterly belt testing 
  • Attend flexibly and at your convenience (as always)
  • Any upcoming schedule adjustments or class closures will be announced multiple times in email (for you to track for your schedule) 
Make Up Class Policy 
  • Any missed classes may be made up at anytime in the future during active enrollment
  • Magnus Karate does not permit attendance at academy classes during non-active enrollment
    • If you currently have a freeze on your account or have canceled your membership, you are no longer eligible to attend classes
  • Magnus Karate does not and will not pro-rate / refund for any class closures due to dojo special events (belt tests, etc.), inclement weather, or any type of emergency cancellation. Please utilize our flex schedule at your convenience and attend classes at any time that works best for your schedule. 
Saturday Class Availability – Reminder 
  • Saturday classes are available from September 1st through May 31st at the dojo (annually)
  • There are no pro-rates or refunds for any Saturday classes canceled due to dojo special events (such as belt tests).
  • Our schedule will be updated for June 1 through August 31
    • An email will be released in the spring with our June through August schedule plans
  • Annual Announcement: During the months of June, July and August the dojo will not offer Saturday morning classes (4 options for each Age 7+ group will be available from Monday through Thursday in June, July, and August). 
Monthly Billing – Reminder
  • Magnus Karate operates billing 100% privately through our website (controlled and managed by Mike & Jenn Pannulla)
  • All billing for monthly enrollment is processed on the first of the month (every month)
  • Billing is for the month which it is being charged in (example: February 1 billing is for the month of February)
  • All billing adjustments, cancels, freezes, etc. must be sent in writing to [email protected] no later than 5 days before the first of the following month
Refund Request Policy
  • Starting in January 2023 Magnus Karate will be including a $5 refund fee for any requested refunds. 
  • If you place an order for a product or service and change your mind after placing the order – $5 will be removed from the refund price. 
    • Please note – if Magnus Karate is responsible for an error charge we will gladly refund without a refund fee. 
  • Uniforms – Please arrive to class in or bring a clean uniform
    • Uniforms should be washed frequently for the safety and comfort of all attending classes at the dojo. 
  • The gi (uniform) is a functional piece of attire used in classes (meaning we grab and touch uniforms). – keeping a clean uniform helps keep all participants safe. 
  • For students who are of age to consider – please apply deodorant before attending classes.
  • Rings – Magnus Karate does not permit rings on finger or toes during classes, students will be asked to remove them when attending class
    • This is a safety issue for both the wearer and the other participants in the class.
  • Earrings – Magnus Karate does not permit hoop earrings or large style earrings during classes – these are a safety issue. Studs are permitted, however Sensei does not recommend earring wear during class.
  • Finger Nails & Toe Nails – Students are required to attend class with clipped fingernails at finger tip and toe tip length. Long nails or unsmooth nail surfaces have historically been a primary driver of cuts during training. 
  • Rash Guards – If you own a Magnus Grappling rash guard they should be washed directly after every grappling class practice. 
Equipment/Gear Requirements
  • Green Belts – Required to own Hand Gear, Foot Gear, Head Gear, and Mouth Guard
  • Brown Belts & Black Belts – Required to own Hand Gear, Head Gear, Foot Gear, Mouth Guard
  • Magnus Equipment Bags – Available to own with our complete gear set or separate purchase
  • Gear should be brought to each and every class. 

Important – Before purchasing gear outside of Magnus Karate, all equipment must meet the approved gear options (color, brand, style) for Magnus Karate. Students will be asked to remove equipment which has not been approved by Sensei. Contact us at [email protected] to make sure you are purchasing the correct/approved product. 

Equipment Order Pick Up

  • In an effort to make order pick ups easier for all, we are implementing a new system this school year. All orders will be labeled and left on a shelf next to the shoe rack, under the dojo TV in the lobby for you to pick up at your convenience.
    • We will do our best to have the items available on the shelf for you as soon as possible.
  • Equipment Orders Note – Sensei keeps a limited inventory of dojo equipment and orders in bulk as items are needed. If your order happens to not be in stock at the dojo there will be a short wait for it, usually about a week. 
    • In the rare case that Sensei’s equipment company has a back order he will let you know. 
    • Custom embroidered uniforms may take longer to receive if Sensei does not have your child’s size in stock as the uniforms have to be received by our supplier and then customized by our embroiderer.